My Core Values

While many people will make assumptions about who I am as a result of my profession, (ordained pastor in a mainline denomination), I want to share with you values that I hold deeply.

Religious Liberty/ Separation of Church and State

Freedom of religion is a principle that supports the rights of individuals to determine their beliefs and religious values. Religion is deeply personal and not the business of government. I fully support the First Amendment to the US Constitution: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion.” Religious liberty protects seekers, believers, atheists, and those who just want to watch the NFL on Sundays. My role as a County Commissioner will be to serve ALL people fairly and equally

Bringing People Together…Not Pulling them Apart

I think we all have had enough with political extremism be it from the left or from the right. No political party or group holds all the answers. We need to start seeing ourselves as neighbors once again, not adversaries. I will work with any and all persons within the First District to find common sense solutions that work for all of us. The work of a County Commissioner is not really about being a Democrat or Republican, it’s about addressing issues that impact us all and getting things done.

Servant Leadership

Jack Welch, the former CEO of General Electric once said, “you become a leader when you learn that success is all about helping others to grow.” Jesus said, “what you have done for the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you have done for me.” Servant Leadership is about lifting other people up instead of yourself. Servant Leadership is about sacrificing self for the good of all people.


While no system of government is perfect, I believe Democracy is the best form of government as it gives all people a voice in how we are governed. Abraham Lincoln once said, "Democracy is a rule of the people, for the people and by the people.” History affirms that authoritarian governments, lead by dictators -whether Fascists leaning right or Communists leaning left- collapse under it’s own weight because in the end because both compromise individual rights and are held hostage to the whims of individuals rather than the will of the people.

Competency Matters

As my high school coach use to tell us, “games are won in the weight room and the practice field.” The issues before us will be solved by doing the hard work of truly listening to people, researching issues, seeking out experts in the field and being diligent in our planning and execution. It’s hard work, but hard work that pays off over time.

Integrity and Honesty

Expect from me personal and professional integrity that will do more than just follow the letter of the law.